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Trumpworld, 62" X 86"

Luv in Time of Covid, 44" X 80"

Epstein's Dream, 62" X 80"

Celebration, 60" x 41"

Big Stripper, 60" x 72"

Beaulah, 46" x 34" 

Dancer, 47.5" x 38"

3 Great Leaders, 39"x 58"

Mens Club, 50" x 41" 

Fall, 60" x 47" 

Lust, 44" x 55"

Innocence, 60" x 45"

Women Warriors 1,  54" X 81"

Women Warriors 2, 72" X 54"

Woman Warriors 3, 54" X 81" 


Woman Warriors Triptych

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